Monday, 6 May 2013

A little week of happiness

I don't often think of doing blogs about my random day to day business but I've had a very rare but very lovely past week.
After going to see the wonderful kinesiology therapist Andrea, I felt a little glimmer of positivity trying to poke out of my otherwise rather gloomy view of myself.
So Wednesday my very good friend Kate came round with her awesome little boy Jake, who Violet loves playing with and they also like to give each other kisses which is ridiculously cute! We went for lunch together followed by a walk around Roundhay Lake whilst putting the world to rights and let the babies have a play in the park. All in all it was a very lovely day indeed.
Also, Wednesday night was a little more successful with V's sleeping, not awesome, but better.
Thursday morning I packed up the pram and baby bag and hiked into town on the peasant wagon (aka: the bus) and did a little shopping for a first birthday preset, stuff for V and secret presents for my best friend's baby who is very excitingly due in September. We met up with Rach (the bestie due in Sept- and yes I hid the presents!) and went fabric hunting in the market for her baby blanket project and sat and had lollies in the sun, it was lovely.
Violet and I sat in the garden when we got home and just chilled out, she was a happy little bundle all day.
Thursday brought a bit of sadness too though as my mam told me that unfortunately she wasn't going to be able to come over from Canada this year as I had hoped, so naturally, I was pretty gutted. If it is 2014 when she next comes then Violet will be almost (if not older than) 2 years old. Given that mam last saw Violet when she was four months old, this will be quite a jump! Anyway, Positive Mental Attitude and a bit of calming thoughts and all that...etc etc blah blah blah!
Thursday night, much better sleep, a few wake ups but ok.
Friday I drove over to see my lovely friend Nicola. She has recently broken her arm during a skiing trip and has been housebound so Violet and I thought we would visit her to cheer her up. Violet was good as gold all day. Seeing as I was pretty close to where my in-laws live, I thought I would pop in to say hello on the way home so Violet got to see her Grandparents for an hour which was great as we haven't seen them in a while as they've been housebound with training a new puppy (Oscar- he is the cutest puppy ever!)
Friday night was a good night, Violet slept a lot better with just one big wake up.
Saturday we sort of lazed around in the morning and Ant refused to let me do any housework (I didn't argue!) so we just pottered about then got ready to go to our friends' baby's naming ceremony. I've never been to one before so wasn't sure how to dress or what to expect but it was lovely, quite informal, lots of people and a good buffet and even more awesome cakes made by Laura, the little boy (another friend of Violet's) is called George so there was a George and the Dragon theme going on which was cute.
Violet crawled around in any space she could find and wanted to be helped to walk everywhere so Ant and I were pooped by the end!
Saturday night was great, Ant and I watched a film and he made us a lovely tea, but Violet decided to wake up 12-1am which was not so lovely!
Sunday we headed off bright and early to Ant's parents for the day. Heather (my MIL) and I popped out to buy a travel high chair to keep at their house and also had a sneaky peek in Mothercare and got V some clothes for her holidays. We all had fish and chips for our lunch and V was quite entertaining at the table, bashing her fork and blowing raspberries at everyone!
Heather took V out for a walk so she could nap a bit, Ant and Bernard (my FIL) had a snooze and I perused Heather's knitting and quilting books and post-it noted a few (erm, about 10!?) that I liked!
We had a lovely time catching up and chatting about Violet's progress and Heather showed me some of her projects she's got on the go, she's really into quilting at the moment and told me she is making me a Cath Kidston fabric patchwork quilt and an Amy Butler bag, very exciting! She puts me to shame with how well she cracks on with things and how neat she is!
So we headed back home and pretty much flopped once Violet had gone to bed, we watched a load of naff tv and went to bed early.
We had an awesome night's sleep with just one teeny quick wake up, and a 6:30am wake up call, only problem is that once you get a good sleep like that, your body craves more and you end up more knackered than when you've had a rubbish night's sleep!
Which brings me to today. Which has been a very productive and lovely day. We got up early and V and I went off to tesco for ingredients for tea, I also may have purchased a pop-up ball pool and a bag of balls for a bargain £8, they turned out to be quite a hit though!
We popped in to say hello to Rach on the way home and she took some cute photos. While I was out Ant had done about a million chores (unprompted I might add!), I think he was on a mission as he'd already had a beer and was sipping the wine I didn't like at lunch time: Whatever works!
We lazed about in the garden while V napped and our landlord came round to fix the washing machine which had conked out, this resulted in a flooded kitchen floor and a very soggy load of towels! On the plus side we are now getting a new washing machine but we have a towel stuck in the current one!
I made kedgeree (a curry rice dish with haddock and eggs, sounds rank but is delish!), Violet had it for her dinner and loved it which always makes me happy when she loves the food I cook for her. I have also made sticky sausage burgers with mozarella balls inside for mine and Ant's tea, they are currently in the oven. Violet is now fast asleep, so once the washing is done I will enjoy a nice evening with my lovely husband and hope for a good night's sleep, if that doesn't happen then it's nothing we can't cope with 😊
Bye for now x

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