Sunday, 30 June 2013


So this time last year... (Time of writing this, not posting!)
I was on my way back to the hospital determined that after this visit, I would return home with my baby, and luckily for me, I did. 
And my what a year it's been! 

I remember starting off by being in a baby bubble of "am I doing this right?" "what if I get her in a bad habit" "how can I get more sleep" etc etc. I breastfed Violet for her first week, something I now feel I could maybe have managed longer for if I wasn't talked out of it by a midwife!

I want to remember all the little things, mostly because they're the first things you forget.

I remember being in the birthing pool and cradling her in my hands the second she was born.
I remember seeing her face for the first time and even though she was covered in a sticky mess she still looked beautiful and had a really cute pout.
I remember seeing Anthony hold her for the first time with a look of both complete fear and sheer total happiness on his face.
I remember the first time I fed her, and it felt like nothing could go wrong in the world.
I remember being in the post natal ward and feeling very lonely.
I remember not wanting to put her down in the hospital crib because she looked so much cosier on me.
I remember waiting for Anthony to bring the car round to the hospital entrance and catching a glimpse of my soft, smaller belly in the window.
I remember that her skin felt like velvet and smelled like fluffy towels.
I remember all the snoozy sleepy cuddles, rocking her to sleep, patting her to sleep, taking her in the car to sleep, (you can see a recurring theme here I'm sure!)
I remember the way her fists seemed to be clenched together for weeks and weeks and how she always had them up beside her head at bathtime.
I remember how she had gloopy eyes and how gently and carefully we had to clean them.
I remember the sound of Ewan the Dream Sheep in the middle of the night and Ant swinging the crib with his foot to make her sleep.
I remember being scared of her umblilical cord stump and always trying to keep it clean.
I remember seeing her smiling when she was just a couple of days old and trying to figure out if it was wind.
I remember watching Wimbledon and having her in her moses basket sleeping soundly throughout the Murray/Federer final. 
I remember being terrified of Anthony going back to work.
I remember sitting in the bathroom and crying for 45 minutes for no reason whatsoever.
I remember bursting into tears in Tesco because I had gone out on my own for the first time.
I remember how it felt to not be able to stand up from sitting without feeling like I should be given a gold medal.
I remember savlon baths and smelling like an old biddy.
I remember waking up to find Anthony asleep downstairs with her nestled in his dressing gown and it making me cry.
I remember that she first laughed for me while in the bath because I made duck noises at her.
I remember how she used to stare at trees and the sky during the summery days.
I remember when it was too hot and waking up all night long to check she was ok and not too hot.
I remember being scared of weaning.
I remember the mess of weaning.
I remember resenting annabel karmel and her perfect recipes.
I remember thinking Gina Ford was the devil.
I remember throwing the Gina Ford book in the freezer.
I remember a little bit of Gina Ford can work when you tweak it and stop trying to follow it exactly.
I remember being intimidated by other mothers at baby group.
I remember how much Violet loved meeting new babies.
I remember that she was wearing her pink with grey stars sleepsuit when she first sat up on her own when she was 18 weeks old. 
I remember how excited we were about her first Christmas and how she thought snow was for eating.
I remember feeling proud and excited that she started rolling (properly) on New Years Day.
I remember how nice it was to always have people comment on how happy she is and that she will always smile at people when we go places.
I remember the sleep regression phase.
I remember having no sleep.
I remember feeling like things will never get easier.
I remember feeling happy that things got easier!
I remember the day she walked holding my hands.
I remember the day she was really poorly and I cried because I couldn't make her better.
I remember the day she ate a roast dinner and I felt like the proudest mama ever because I knew all the hard work with weaning had finally paid off.

I remember every single thing about her, her smell, the way her nose squishes when she gets really excited, the way her toes curl like mine, the way her fingernails are curved, the way her hair curls at the nape of her neck, the way she laughs at her Daddy, the way she rubs her eyes when shes tired, the way she flaps her arms when shes flustered, the way her lip curls when shes really sad and the way her eyes puff when shes really happy.

Most of all, I remember that she is my baby daughter, she was made in my belly and I brought her into this world safe and sound. 

Happy 1 Year Birthday Violet

(Pre)Birthday Party

I am writing this on the morning of Violet's birthday, the day before her actual birthday. 
Tomorrow, my little baby turns one year old. I can't help but feel nostalgic and a little sad. How did one year pass so quickly? Yet also, it feels like a lifetime ago that she arrived in our world and became a part of our family! 
Today we are having a party for her. Our friends and (some of) our family are coming to celebrate with us. 
I have been planning it for a while now. There is a purple and yellow colour theme with the occassional rabbit thrown in for good measure.
We have balloons, streamers, lots of toys for the kids (there are 13 coming!) a bbq, a gazebo, blankets for picnics, a tiny house (courtesy of Ant's parents!) a sand & water table, a birthday flag (yes, really), bunny bunting and a homemade birthday cake crafted by my own fair hands.
My first guests are arriving now so I will sign off for now and report back afterwards...!

Well here I am, sitting down after a hectic yet awesome day. Violet is having her last bedtime bottle as an "11 month old" and I am feeling pretty strange! 
Today was brilliant. The kids had fun, a big old mess was made, we ate a lot of food (huge thanks to our brilliant Mum & Dad Slattery for the organising and cooking of the entire barbecue, a massive help to us, we can't thank you enough), we had no tantrums, the sun was shining, everything was just fantastic. 
Violet has a very generous stack of presents to open in the morning, something I am most excited about, as, lets face it, me or Ant will be opening most of them!
Huge thank you to all who came and thank you for your generous gifts. We hope you had a lovely time, we feel very lucky to have such wonderful friends and family to share memories like this with. 

Bye for now my pretties...

Monday, 10 June 2013

The Maternity End is Nigh

Today is four weeks until I go back to work.
I feel a tad conflicted about it but I'm excited for the following reasons:
• Hopefully we'll have a bit more spare cash;
• Violet will thrive on being around other babies;
• I will have a whole lunch hour to myself (which has an added bonus in that I work in the centre of Leeds!);
• I can enjoy hot cups of tea; 
• I can have adult conversations; and
• I can go to the loo in peace!

However, I am not excited about the following:

• Being away from Violet;
• Having to do work when I will be thinking about all the housework left at home;
• Someone else taking care of my baby;
• The cost of childcare;
• Violet hitting milestones without me; and 
• Figuring out a new routine!

Granted the list of things I'm not looking forward to is mainly Violet related which hopefully shows that I'm not too bothered about my place of work. I don't get paid nearly half as much as I think I am worth, but I lack that switch that makes me demand more from myself.

Hopefully we will fit into our new routine fairly easily, (after a few manic weeks I'm sure!) and Violet will love being around other babies. I am secretly hoping they can crack getting her to feed herself with a spoon as I'm certainly fighting a losing battle with that one!

I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of this blog is, but it has been a while since I have written something and thought I best crack on!

I guess my point is that yes I am sad that I won't get to see Violet all day, but at least (for now) I am only working Monday to Wednesday each week, which means I can still see my mummy friends who are also off work those days and I will still get some quality time with my daughter.

I'm not one for public gushing or "pretend" happiness (i.e. people that only blog about the good stuff!) but at the moment, Violet is pretty damn awesome, she giggles like a menace, she chatters non stop and she melts my heart just at the smell of her hair. These little things and so much more are what keep me going and they certainly won't be going away just because she'll be going to nursery. 
Also, I am not a bad mother because I'm looking forward to some free time, I'm just a normal person who needs a bit of time to zone out now and again.
It helps me to remember that.